Posts Tagged ‘winter wardrobe’
I don’t care what that little Punxsutawney Phil saw or didn’t see on Groundhog Day! I honestly don’t think that we have seen the last of the cold weather nor the last of the snow. These pictures were taken a few days after the 2016 Blizzard. However, none of that matters because I am prepared for whatever the winter brings with my over-the-knee suede boots!
I recently read an article about women over 50 wearing over-the knee boots – should they or shouldn’t they. Well you know me, my answer is definitely YES!
Whether you wear them with a dress like this one from Avon or over jeans and pants, I think they are a great look in the winter.
I of course will wear a sweater or blazer just in case I need to stay toasty in the office but menopause most likely will prevent that!
Can you believe that Avon is over 130 years? You really need to check out a catalog to see some of the other great clothes and accessories that they have.
The purse/tote was thrifted from Goodwill last year and it’s the perfect size to carry all my essentials as well as my Tablet.
These accessories are my Avon Bling – remember when I featured them in this New Year’s Eve post?
Okay it’s your chance to chime in, what do you think, yay or nay for over-the-knee boots if you are over the age of fifty?
Hello Friends and Happy Goodwill Wednesday!
I wore this end-of-the-season outfit in March, but with all the activity at the end of the month I didn’t get a chance to post it. This is officially the last of the winter wardrobe pics because today it’s going to be 70 degrees…time for a pedicure because the boots have been put away!
Everything was thrifted from Goodwill at different times and from different locations so it was fun putting it all together.
Even though I wore a short sleeve blouse, there was still a slight chill in the air so I opted to wear the brown suede jacket which was also thrifted.
Of the entire thrifted outfit, I like this unique thick belt the best, what do you think?
Remember how excited I was to finally find a pair of Riding Boots, and to find them new at Goodwill for only $18.99 was awesome. The hooks on the back gave them an edgier look which made it a better thrifted find.
Now it’s time to go through my closets and purge items that I did not wear last season or were much too tight thanks to menopausal weight gain or perhaps too much winter wine. Anywho, whatever I find will be re-donated back to Goodwill which is the best part of thrifting.
Today I’m linking up with one of my favorite thriftinistas over at ColorBlind and then I’ll swing by to see DC Goodwill Fashionista so if you get a chance, come on over and check out their thrifty finds.
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!

Hello Friends and Happy Hump Day Wednesday!
I hope your week has been going well and that you are now gearing up for a wonderful weekend. Two Saturdays ago I drove to Claymont to meet Erin, a model in the 2014 Goodwill Runway Show for her final fitting.
We met to find the last few pieces to complete her wardrobe and afterwards we did a little thrifting for ourselves.
Erin found these metal pieces which she said she’ll use as candle covers, vases for artificial plants or maybe to hang her earrings. What do you think, what would you use them for?
This Briggs New York Skirt will be added to my collection ($3.75) and the new Victoria Secrets Handbag will be part of the Goodwill Runway Show Boutique.
I hit the jackpot in the men’s department and was able to stock up on sweaters for my sons and hubby also $3.75 each #winning
Can’t beat finding a J. Crew sweater for only $3.75
Too bad this shopper found this faux suede jacket first, otherwise it would have been in my cart! Don’t you think it would have been perfect with the skirt?
Even with snow on the ground, it’s never to early to think about Spring and Summer shoes. Check out the embellishment on these acrylic sandals – cute!
Now I need to gather more items to donate back to Goodwill!
Have you done any winter thrifting, if so, why not share at Thrifters Anonymous
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in the New Year!
Hello Friends and Happy Thursday, hope your day is going well.
Having Tuesday off from work has me a day behind mentally which may not be a bad thing because tomorrow is FRI-YAY!!!! It was somewhat depressing reading through the blogs last night, seeing all those beautiful and colorful maxi dresses and wishing for warmer days instead of dealing with these cold Winter winds. This morning we were greeted with snow showers…really Mother Nature – c’mon Spring!
In these pictures I may be smiling but I’m definitely not excited about these outfits, I want to shed the layers!
Sunday’s Suit
Suit – old closet staple // necklace – // Mossimo Pumps via Target
Tuesday’s Wild Child
Boots & Purse – Avon // Jeggings – Kmart // Tunic Dress – Ross // Necklace – // Belt – closet staple
Wednesday – 1st Day of Spring 2013
Cardigan – Ross or Marshalls // Skirt and Top – GW Boutique (Goodwill) // Purse – Avon // Merona pumps via Target
Tired of This Weather Thursday
Sweater Vest – Marshalls // Gauchos – closet staple // Blouse – GW Boutique // Earrings – Icings // Bracelet – jewelry box
I had hoped that tomorrow the weather would be warmer but most likely it will be a “50’s Friday” Oh well, the temps will eventually increase but until then I will be wearing clothing from the winter wardrobe.
Have a fantabulous afternoon and don’t forget to check out the FB Page “Bloggers4JCPenney” – there are some great new postings.
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