
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

20 Years Ago Today was the Worse Day of my Life

20 Years Ago today was the worse day of my life

the lowest point – the day I cursed God!

20 Years Ago today was the worse day of my life,

my son lay in NICU, a mere 3 lbs, living in an incubator with tubes and wires attached to his tiny body

20 Years Ago today was the worse  day of my life

all hell broke loose in Wilmington, DE and hundreds of miles away in Maryland

20 Years Ago today was the worse day of my life

83 days of going back and forth to the hospital to pray with and over our son

him having an aunt, me having a sister

20 Years Ago today was the worse day of my life

souls of these two departed this earthly world

20 Years Ago today was the worse day of my life

around 7:00 in the evening the soul of my lil sis was departing her body

she sat trapped in a burning car, wedged underneath the body of a tractor trailer

being dragged to her untimely death….burning tears filling her eyes as they do mine with the thought of 20 Years Ago today

20 Years Ago today was the worse day of my life

 around 7:00 in the evening the soul of my lil son was departing his body

heart rate dropped, breathing stopped, monitors beeping uncontrollably

20 Years Ago today was the worse day of my life

The souls passed, one guided back to the body while the other ascended into heaven

the soul of the child returned, heart beating strongly, breathing  stabilized, his life restored

20 Years Ago today was the worse day of my life

My mother’s baby daughter and her twin brother, both gone too soon

sis and uncle traveled together for the last time passing through the Pearly Gates

20 Years Ago today was the worse and best day of my life

Rest In Heaven

Gloria Cross, Jr.

4/10/63 ~ 9/14/92


Ernest Midget

7/17/42 ~ 9/14/92


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