
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Archive for the ‘Health and Wellness’ Category

What the fart? Why Passing Gas is Good For You! 😂

What the fart? Why passing gas is good for you! 😂

I remember when my grandmother was alive, it seemed like every time she stood up she would pass gas.  It wasn’t a stinky fart, just loud and what I thought was inappropriate.  I would give her the side eye and then moan “mom”,  she would turn and look at me like “WHAT?”.  😒

The boys were young and they would crack up laughing, but if we had visitors I never thought it was funny and would give them that “don’t you dare” look. 🙅  Years have since passed on and so has she, which by the way, she was 98 when she passed!  I have only recently learned that passing gas is actually good for the body.

farting is good for you If you have been reading my blog for a while then you know that my hubby was diagnosed with small intestinal cancer and although he never had any symptoms, he always did have gastrointestinal concerns.   So much so that he started getting colonoscopies in his early 40’s.

It was very difficult for him to eliminate waste and when he did it was oftentimes very painful!  He had used every over-the-counter and prescribed stool softener and laxative on the market but nothing helped.  💩😰💩

After each annual colonoscopy the diagnosis was the same, “you just have a slow digestive system, no blockage or reason to be concerned”.  Little did we know that cancer was growing inside his small intestines.


 We are not sure if the years of gastrointestinal problems caused or was a catalyst for the cancer, however, we were fortunate that his new GI specialist decided to perform an endoscopy which ultimately revealed it.

Hubby passing gas yet not being able to poop has always been a concern for him. However, walking past me and farting has always been an irritant to me.  

I am not sure what prompted him, maybe it was my nagging, but he decided to do a little research online where he found an article that stated that passing gas was actually good for the body.

passing gas is good for the body

I still give him the side eye when he does it ! 😒

According to an article in Medical Daily, farting…fluctuation…or simply passing gas can indicate healthy gut bacteria.  Farting is a natural part of the human digestive process.  A person would have to consume nothing but refined sugars to avoid passing gas and we all know that is definitely not healthy!

So are you or your spouse a farter?  If so, there is now no need to feel badly about doing it even if you never did. 😉  

Fart on my friend and stay healthy!

6 Benefits of Sunlight in Your Home

6 Benefits of Sunlight in Your Home

by Aleksandre McMenamin

In most cases, people typically want to separate the inside of their home’s from the abundance of nature that is outdoors. However, when it comes to lighting the inside of your home, that may not be the best way to approach it. Turns out, we still haven’t found a method of lighting that works better than that good ol’ fashioned sun in the sky. Using windows, skylights, and sunroofs to light the inside of your home can actually yield tremendous benefits! Here’s a handful of reasons why that is…

1. Health benefits

Surprisingly, due to the amount of information that we hear about skin cancer and melanoma, there are more people on this planet that suffer from a lack of UVR exposure (Ultraviolet Radiation) than there are people who get too much. Being in sunlight more often can actually decrease the risk of sun cancer by offering moderate amounts of UVR exposure. Lack of UVR exposure can also cause your bones to become softer and weaker, thus increasing their risk of breaking. It also is important to receive UVR exposure to prevent the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. health benefits of sun

2. Energy savings

Obviously, keeping an abundance of lights on in the interior of your home is going to add to your electricity bill every month, on top of the added costs of light bulbs and new wiring that will be needed over time. However, if you design your home to let in enough sunlight, there is practically very little reason why any lights need to be turned on in your home during the daylight hours. For this reason, higher quantities of higher quality windows are greatly desired, since they can allow sunlight to flow throughout your home, bringing sunlight to many areas that would otherwise be left in darkness.

3. Mood benefits

Similarly to photosynthesis in plants, sunlight is able to increase the amount of energy that we have. It accomplishes this by causing our body to increase its production of serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone in the body that has a positive effect on your mood. It increases your brain’s propensity for social interaction, positive activity, healthy appetite, faster digestion (thus helping you lose weight), stronger memory, and even strong feelings of sexual desire (I guess that explains the phrase “afternoon delight”).

4. Vitamin D

One of the most substantial ways that we get our daily supply of vitamin D is from exposure to sunlight. This is important due to the fact that nearly every bit of tissue in your body requires Vitamin D to function. Vitamin D is a valuable nutrient in that it heavily increases the effectiveness of your immune system, thus protecting you from invasive diseases and viruses. Vitamin D also is crucial to a sharp mind, as having more of it will increase brain activity and general alertness. Vitamin D even increases your metabolism, making your digestive process healthier and more effective, and helping you lose weight!

5. Aesthetics

You may not have known this, because it’s not very obvious, but nothing brightens up a room like sunlight! Seriously though, sunlight has a very pleasing effect on the aesthetics of a home’s interior. It has a natural feel that will make residents and guests feel cozier and more welcome. Sunlight also works as a powerful stimulant to the human visual system, physiologically, because sunlight activates more optic reactors in the human eye than artificial light.

Strictly democratically, studies have shown that 88% of occupants prefer the look and feel of natural light compared to electric lighting. If you’re worried about the level of control that sunlight will provide you in your interior decorating journey, remember that there are many ways to shape and control sunlight as it enters your home, such as plantation shutters. For more information on tools you can use to shape the light in your home, check out this nifty little blog post here.

6. Helps you sleep better

At the end of a long, hard day, your ability to sleep comfortably may be tied to the amount of sunlight that you’ve been exposed to throughout the day. This is because sunlight alerts your body that it needs to stop producing melatonin, a hormone that makes you drowsy and tired, pretty much the opposite of serotonin. This makes you more active during the day, thus tiring you out. But it also makes the effect of melatonin stronger after the sun goes down and your body needs to rest, because your body is better differentiating the difference between night and day.  

Have you adjusted to Daylight Saving Time yet?

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What Daylight Saving Time Does To Your Body

What Daylight Saving Time Does To Your Body

By Kelly Fitzpatrick for Life by DailyBurn

The time shown on the clock from November to March is known in the Northern hemisphere as “standard time.” The rest of the year is considered the exception, or “saving time.” Countries in the Southern hemisphere, however, reverse this, observing daylight saving time during their summer — between November and March.

Making matters even more confusing, daylight saving time (DST) isn’t practiced everywhere in the world. Most of Asia and Africa as well as parts of Australia and South America don’t observe DST at all — nor do Hawaii, Arizona, or many US territories, like Guam and the US Virgin Islands. (Utah may also consider dropping DST, based on public outcry.) Even where it is practiced, clocks are set forward and back on different dates, leading to even more regional variations.

what is Daylight Saving Time?

Why Do We Have It?

If you live in a part of the world that experiences wide shifts in weather and daylight hours between summer and winter, you probably relish any extra time you get to spend outdoors in the summer sunshine. Moving the clock forward an hour in the spring gives people an extra hour of daylight in the evening, when they’re typically not working, rather than the morning. Added bonus for night owls: It also moves the sunrise an hour later, keeping late-risers’ bedrooms conveniently dim.

It’s not clear, though, whether all this inconvenience is worth it. One hundred years ago, when DST was first introduced in war-torn Germany, there was a case to be made for saving energy. Moving the clock forward in the spring reduces the number of waking hours between sunset and bedtime (since bedtime remains static while sunset occurs an hour later, according to the clock). Fewer post-sunset evening hours ought to mean fewer lights turned on, and less money spent on energy.

Newer studies throw this hypothesis into question, though. When DST was introduced, lightbulbs were the primary use of household electricity. These days, we use our TVs, computers and other small appliances just as much, whether it’s light or dark out. Meanwhile, lightbulbs have grown more efficient. And now that we live in a world where we can control indoor temperature (phew!), it’s possible that having more waking daylight hours could, in fact, increase our energy use, since air conditioning uses so much more power than a few measly lightbulbs and is typically turned higher during daylight hours. Studies are inconclusive, but even if it does save money, the savings are estimated to be no more than one or two percent.

more light in the morning for OOTD pics

more light in the morning for OOTD pics

How to Deal

In a perfect world, DST wouldn’t shock our circadian rhythms twice annually. “Ideally we would be able to allow our internal circadian rhythms to move along naturally with the light-dark cycles that change from season to season,” says Dr. Rosen. Since that’s not possible, try these tips to transition back to standard time with ease.

  1. Don’t Stay Up Late

When you set the clocks back each fall, “your circadian rhythms will cause you to want to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier than your external environment,” says Dr. Rosen. “One of the biggest mistakes that people make … is staying up later and thinking that they’re going to get an extra hour of sleep,” she adds. Because your circadian rhythms may wake you early Sunday morning, it’s important not to count on that extra snooze time.

  1. Use the Sun

The fall time change is easier than the spring, says Dr. Rosen, particularly for those who work standard daylight hours, since you’re able to hack your sunlight exposure. Try to get as much late afternoon sun exposure before switching the clocks back, and as much morning sun exposure as possible after switching the clocks to help ease the transition. more light in the morning for OOTD pics

  1. Take Your Time

“If you work a non-traditional schedule, or have a little extra time in the morning, it might ease the transition if you go to sleep and wake up 10-15 minutes later each day the week before the time change,” says Dr. Rosen. As always, adding a nap can help fend off drowsiness for anyone still struggling with the switch back to standard time.

I like Daylight Saving Time because it is great for early morning OOTD pics.

How are you dealing with the change?

Managing Stress

Managing Stress

We are often subject to stress, the chronic and primarily psychological pressures of modern life. Yet we also suffer consequences when the body’s biological mechanisms for handling stress go awry. Fortunately, we have the ability to control our reaction to stressful situations.

life can get crazy

Stress Facts

85 percent of adults know that they may suffer adverse health effects from stress

An estimated 75-90 percent of doctor’s visits are related to symptoms caused by stress

Stress has been linked to leading causes of death – heart disease, cancer lung ailments, accidents and suicide, as well as numerous other disorders.

Unmanaged stress can suppress the immune system

People under constant stress may accumulate fat around their abdomen due to higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

What is Stress?

Stress occurs when there is a mismatch between the demands we experience and the resources we have to deal with those demands. A stressor is a situation, event or demand that causes stress. Stress is not an event, but our reaction to that event. When left unchecked, physical, emotional, and mental resources can become depleted, leading to illness symptoms of chronic stress including:


Chronic muscle tension and headaches

Chest pain and a rapid heart rate

Frequent illnesses or infections such as colds

Intestinal problems or pain

High blood pressure

Changes in appetite

Insomnia and teeth grinding



Irritability and lashing out

Increase in smoking, drinking or drug use

Reckless driving


In order to overcome and change some of our negative responses to stress, we can use alternate strategies including:




Prayer or meditation

Practicing coping and relaxation skills

Improving organizational and time management skills

meditation techniques

Categorize Your Stressors

A helpful exercise is to list all your stressors. Include everything – traffic, workload, disorganization, lack of communication, relationships, illness, housework, etc. You might find that simply creating the list makes you feel a little more in control. Take each item on your list and ask yourself two questions about each one:

1. How important is it?

2. Can I control or change it?

Focus most of your resources on those stressors that are important and controllable. Action is when you do something that actively changes a situation. Examples of actions include learning time management skills, using problem solving skills, practicing assertive communication or implementing money management.

relax to relieve stress

Stress Coping Techniques

Coping skills help offset the negative effects of stress. They do not change the situation, but they give you a positive outlet and help your mind and body rest, rejuvenate and recover. They include: physical activity/exercise, a nutritious diet, adequate sleep, using positive thoughts, finding fun and laughter and effective time management.

Practice Quick Relaxation Exercises

Practice quick relaxation techniques such as:

Deep breathing

Visual imagery

Listening to music

how to manage stress with music


25 Easy Ways to Boost Your Immune System

25 Easy Ways to Boost Your Immune System [Guest Post}

Author: Alyssa Craig


April showers brings May flowers…and sniffles, sneezes and allergies!  Spring is blooming and so are illnesses!  If you have small children, or are more easily susceptible to getting sick, you may be looking for simple changes you can make to boost your immune system. Luckily, there are many ways you can take charge, so take a look at the list below and start integrating these habits into your daily life.


  1. Move More: Shoot for at least 30 minutes of exercise, five times per week. If it is easier, break it up into 10 minute increments and use it as a great way to break up your work day.


  1. Ditch Tobacco: Do not smoke and avoid secondhand tobacco smoke. Period.


  1. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Whether this means losing a little weight or simply maintaining your current healthy weight, being at a healthy weight is good for your health.


  1. Drink Only in Moderation, If at All: Alcohol abuse can lead to immunodeficiency, making you more susceptible to communicable diseases. The less you drink, the better your body will be at fighting invaders.

African woman slepping

  1. Get Adequate Sleep: The average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night. So don’t forget to catch your zzz’s to help make your body stronger.


  1. Wash Hands Frequently: We touch a lot of things throughout the day, including things many other people have touched. We then touch our own faces and handle food that goes into our bodies. Wash your hands often to prevent germ transfer.


  1. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables: Focus on those rich in vitamins C and E, plus beta-carotene and zinc for great immune system power. By making sure your diet consists of natural, brightly colored foods, you will easily eat nutrients your body needs.


  1. Practice Meditation: Stress is an enemy to a healthy immune system so find some time in your day to practice some breathing exercises. Clear your mind and find some zen.

Two happy women laughing while sitting in bed at home

  1. Laugh: Believe it or not, laughing curbs stress hormone levels and boosts white blood cells that fight infection. So pop in your favorite comedy tonight to prevent that cold!


  1. Spend a Little Time in the Sun: Just 10-15 minutes of sunshine in the summer produces enough vitamin D to boost your immune system. Use supplements during the winter if you have a vitamin D deficiency.


  1. Reduce Your Intake of Simple Sugars: Did you know 75-100 g of sugar solution (about two 12 oz. sodas) will reduce your body’s ability to fight infection? Cut back on sodas and sweets so you don’t hinder your body’s capability to take down illness.


  1. Smiling: Not only does smiling boost your immune system, but humans have about 19 types of smiles, giving you many options to improve your health quickly! Check out these other cool facts about smiling.


  1. Add Some Zinc: Zinc is a powerful tool when it comes to boosting your immune system. You can find it naturally in red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.


  1. Spend Time with your Friends: It’s been proven that a rich social life enriches your life, as well as your health! So go ahead, throw that party this weekend. Doctor’s orders.


  1. Drink Water: Water helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, helping to remove things that could damage your ability to fight off disease.


  1. Eat Brazil Nuts: These nuts are rich in selenium, a powerful antioxidant that can greatly improve immune response. Keep a bag in your desk for a great afternoon snack.

Man having a massage

  1. Schedule a Massage: You now have permission to pamper yourself, all in the name of health. Massages are a great way to relieve stress and crank up your immune system.


  1. Incorporate Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a superfood that works for many things beyond food. So go ahead and use it for cooking or as a lotion. It contains lauric acid which likes to dissolve the lipid barrier of harmful viruses and bacteria.


  1. Add Garlic to Your Meals: Your sweetie might not like it, but garlic can help improve your body’s infection fighting capabilities.


  1. Think Positively: While this sounds too good to be true, being optimistic and positive can actually prompt your body to produce more immunity boosting abilities.


  1. Eat More Protein: Make sure you are eating plenty of lean, healthy proteins to protect your body.


  1. Listen to Music: Listening to music that makes you feel good and soothes you can help improve your immune system as the body takes cues from your mood and emotions.


  1. Participate in a Group Drumming Session: If you have ever wanted to be a drummer, this is your chance. Group drumming has been shown to enhance natural killer-cell activity.


  1. Engage in Mentally Stimulating Activities: A study showed a connection between the immune system and the part of the brain that handles planning, memory, initiative, judgement, and abstract thinking. So do some puzzles or play a challenging card game!


  1. Let Your Emotions Out in a Constructive Argument: Keeping your emotions cooped up will only cause harm and can make you more susceptible to illness. Still be kind, but don’t be afraid to have a discussion when something upsets you.


You may already be participating in many of these suggestions, but if not, they are easy enough to work into just about any schedule. Let’s face it, if it’s going to keep you and your family from getting sick as frequently, it’s well worth the investment.

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What do you know about Tea Tree Oil? (Quiz)

Used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, tea tree oil has many beneficial effects on your skin, your complexion and hair. Take our short quiz to find out more about tea tree oil and what it can do for you.

Shop the article:

Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash

The Body Shop - Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash 8.4 fl oz by The Body Shop

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The Body Shop – Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash 8.4 fl oz by The Body Shop – $12.00, 5.95 shipping – Available at The Body Shop


The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil

The Body Shop - The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil 0.33oz, 10ml


Tea Tree Cool & Creamy Wash

Body Central - The Body Shop Tea Tree Cool & Creamy Wash 3.3 Oz.

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Tea Tree Blemish Gel

The Body Shop - Tea Tree Blemish Gel Antiimperfections 2. Ml0. 8oz

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The Body Shop Tea Tree Daily Scrub

The Body Shop - The Body Shop Tea Tree Daily Scrub, 3.3 Ounce
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The Body Shop – The Body Shop Tea Tree Daily Scrub, 3.3 Ounce – $14.00, 5.48 shipping – Available at


Tea Tree Pore Minimizer

The Body Shop - The Body Shop Tea Tree Pore Minimizer 1 Oz.


Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links provided by Postpresso.

15 Ways to Take 15 Minutes for Yourself {Guest Post}

15 Ways to Take 15 Minutes for Yourself {Guest Post}

Author: Whitney Hollingshead

Do you feel like you never have any time for yourself? Is your to do list always growing in length? Are you exhausted all of the time? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you are in good company. Day to day life can be both exhausting and stressful! Before the stress leads to major physical, mental, and emotional consequences, it’s time to take some time for yourself.  

Taking care of yourself is not selfish. When your basic needs are met you are much more capable of meeting the needs of others. So make taking time for yourself a priority each day and set aside 15 minutes.

What can you do for yourself in those 15 minutes? Check out these suggestions:

1. Rest. 15 minutes may not be long enough to take a nap, but you can gain a lot from a 15 minute rest. Lay flat on your back on your bed. Keep your arms gently at your sides and do not cross your ankles. Close your eyes and think restful thoughts. If your mind is racing about all of the things you have to do when you get up again, focus strictly on breathing in and out.

2. Listen to five songs. Put your mp3 player on shuffle and listen to the first five songs that play. Allow yourself to really enjoy the music. Don’t do anything else while the music is playing.

3. Write in a journal. Grab your journal and write about anything you want. Recount a funny experience, record what you are grateful for, or compose a simple poem. If you don’t feel like writing, read older entries instead.  

4. Sit in the sun. Take a chair out to the middle of your yard or sit on your front porch. Make sure you are sitting in direct sun and then do nothing. If you must do something, sip lemonade or water.

5. Take a hot shower. Since you most likely take a shower daily already, the key is to quickly wash and then spend the remaining time relaxing in the hot water. Just stop and let the water cascade over you for the remaining time. If the temperature of your shower is lacking, read up on these tips. You won’t get the same relaxing benefits with a cold shower.

Blonde lying on couch reading a book

6. Read one chapter in a book. Grab a book you’ve been wanting to read and head to the couch. Read one chapter and set the book aside. You don’t need to feel guilty about reading one chapter and you will most likely make time to read another chapter tomorrow too.

7. Talk to a friend on the phone. Call up a good friend just to chat. Catch up on each other’s lives and take time to laugh. Set a timer for 15 minutes before you make the call and when the time is up, tell your friend that you have to go.

8. Dance. Turn on some music and dance around your house. Dancing talent is not required.

9. Make something with your hands. Creating something with your hands can do wonders for your emotional health. Consider arranging fresh flowers, making cards, painting, sewing, wrapping a pretty gift, making origami, scrapbooking, or crafting. Choose something you enjoy and get a little creative.

10. Relax in the tub. This is different than taking a hot shower. Relaxing in the tub is not about getting cleaned up, rather it’s about pure relaxation. Light a scented candle in the bathroom, or use a scented plugin. Add bubbles to the water. Place the softest towel you own nearby to dry off when you are finished.

11. Eat your favorite healthy snack. Choose a snack that you know is good for you, but also tastes really good. Take time to savor the food instead of eating it on the go.

12. Go for a walk. If you can get out alone, walk without having a destination in mind. Don’t worry about your pace, just enjoy the stroll. If you have a baby, put them in a stroller and head out to tour your neighborhood.

woman hand holding a pencil and solves crossword sudoku.

13. Do a puzzle. You can choose from jigsaw puzzles, word puzzles, crossword puzzles, word searches, Sudoku puzzles, etc. Pick a type of puzzle that you find both enjoyable and relaxing. Set the timer for 15 minutes and work on the puzzle until the timer goes off. If you are using a digital format for your puzzle, be careful to not get distracted by other things like social media or the news.  

14. Organize something. If you like having your movies in alphabetical order or enjoy color coding your closet, taking the time to get things back in shape will make you feel better. The key is to choose something that you want to organize. For example, take a few minutes to organize the photos on your computer or make your favorite seasonal shoes more easily accessible.

Blonde applying mascara

15. Get dolled up. Spend a little extra time on yourself. Put on a little extra makeup. Exfoliate some skin. Paint your nails. Add accessories to your outfit. Pick a process that makes you feel good. The key is to choose one or two extra things that you can accomplish in 15 minutes or less.

Think of yourself as having a battery just like your smartphone or tablet. When the battery runs down you have to plug the battery into a charger and wait until the battery is recharged. You need to treat yourself the same way. When your battery is running low, you won’t have the power to get things done. Find the suggestions above that really help you to recharge, or a use a few of your own. Remember that recharging your battery on a daily basis is crucial to extending your battery life.

Disclaimer: This Guest Post was written by someone other than the author of DeDivahDeals. The author of this post, has submitted their article to DeDivahDeals for the purpose of being published on this blog as a Guest Writer.

Essence of Essential Oils Giveaway

Essence of Essential Oils

Hello friends, I hope all is well in your world. If you are a busy wife, mom, girlfriend or grandmother you know how important it is to take care of yourself and try to stay healthy. However, oftentimes we are running from pillar to post and before we know it both our minds and bodies are exhausted. At the end of each post, I close with “New Year ~ New You” which is a reminder to you and me to slow down and take better care of ourselves.

Essential Oil therapy has been a common form of alternative medicine used for thousands of years to effectively affect a person’s mood or health. Essential Oils are rubbed into the skin to penetrate and diffuse throughout the blood and tissues. The bottom line is they smell great, feel good and depending on the ingredients can be very soothing and calming and beneficial to our health.

mia mariu

I recently had an opportunity to try ‘Relax’, a Mia Mariu Organic Therapeutic Essential Oil that contained Lavender, Sandlewood, Cedar, Clary Sage, Coconut and Almond oil. My nighttime ritual has included adding a few drops after my shower as the last thing that I do before getting into bed. This relaxing essential oil relieves the stress of the day, promotes inner peace and supports a restful night’s sleep, and as a blogger I need something that helps to calm my mind.

A few drops of the Mia Mariu Therapeutic Oils can be placed on your pulse points or used as a massage oil to rub directly onto your body where needed. There’s another fragrance “I Feel Good’ which contains Eucalyptus, Lemon, Bay Laurel, Peppermint, Apricot and macadamia Oil which together promotes good digestion and supports overall respiratory health.

mia mariu

My friends over at Mia Mariu’s are offering to give away one FREE bottle of Relax Essential Oil to one of my readers, so enter today for a chance to win.   to which fragrance you would prefer then check out Mia Mariu’s website for wellness tips and other great products.  

Contest is open to US Residents only and will end at midnight on 4/11/15.

New Year ~ New You

DeDivahDeals Signature
a Rafflecopter giveaway

5 Vitamins For Women Over 50

Hello friends, does your medicine cabinet look like this? 

vitamins and supplements

Actually, this is my kitchen cabinet and it’s where I keep my vitamins and supplements.

I remember my grandmother would laugh in amazement as to how many pills some of the women at the Senior Center were taking.  She never took a pill, not even an aspirin, as a matter of fact she almost choked taking an Advil. 

She never took vitamins or supplements and still lived to be 98, the only “ailment” she suffered from was childbirth and arthritis.

Wellness Wednesday Eating healthy was her remedy which I would hope is the same for me, but just in case it’s not, I am taking my daily vitamins. 

I know I have a few bottles of unnecessary ones, so I decided to check in at WEBMD to get their recommendations.

calcium Calcium

Osteoporosis, the bone-thinning disease that most commonly affects postmenopausal women, results from bones that have lost calcium and thickness.  Women between the ages of 51-70 should be taking 1,200 mg of calcium daily, more if doctor recommended.

Foods that are high is calcium include Spinach, Kale, Okra, Collard Greens, Soybeans, White beans, Sardines, Salmon, Perch and Rainbow Trout.    Foods that are fortified with calcium include orange juice, oatmeal and several brands of cold cereal.

vitamin d Vitamin D is calcium’s indispensable partner. It’s essential for proper absorption of the calcium you get in your diet. But as we get older, our ability to synthesize vitamin D in sunlight through our skin diminishes.  We must either get our Vitamin D through food, especially in the winter, or through supplements and you guys already know that I am Vitamin D deficient.  

Foods that provide vitamin D include fatty fish like tuna, mackerel and salmon.  Foods fortified with vitamin D like dairy products, orange juice, soy mile, cereals, beef liver, cheese and egg yolks.

b12 Supplement B-12

Folate Folate

Folic acid helps to metabolize a substance called homocysteine, which has been clearly associated with the risk of heart disease and stroke.  High homocysteine levels has shown to be associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia.”

vitamin C and E Vitamin E and Vitamin C


Vitamin E and Vitamin C are both powerful antioxidants; studies have suggested that they may help protect against diseases of aging as varied as cancer, Alzheimer’s, and cataracts.Half Off Deals

However, just as my grandmother believed: “To get the vitamins and other nutrients we need, food should always be first, and in a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables, whole-grain bread, and cereals — especially those that are enriched,” says Smith Edge. “Any decision to supplement ideally should be based on professional input from a health professional.” whole grain bread fruit

So what’s in your medicine cabinet?

Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!


Pumping in Plastic – My Gas Station Germ Phobia

Wellness Wednesday

Hello Friends, I hope all is well in your world.

I bet if you asked the question “where is the “Happiest Place on Earth”,  most people would respond Florida, right? But how about if you asked this question, “where is the germiest place on Earth”

I don’t know about you, but for me it’s at the gas station, but it’s not the gas station’s bathrooms, it’s the gas station’s gas pumps! With a 100 mile daily commute I am at a gas station at least twice a week filling up, just follow me on Swarm/Foursquare to get an idea.  And it’s because I’m there so often I sometimes wonder about the person who used the tank handle before me and if the gas station attendants regularly clean the handles. pumping with plastic


Just the thought of touching all those germs from the millions of hands grosses me out to the max!  That is why I keep plastic gloves in my glove box, after all, that’s where gloves are supposed to be kept – right?  I also have a box of gloves hanging by the back door at home so I can grab a few if I run out of the ones in the car.

pumping gas in plastic gloves

I know people have stared at me at the pumps, but I don’t care and I feel better knowing that I am not getting or spreading germs at these pumps.  Afterall, with all these viruses and diseases being spread around it’s better to be safe than sorry.

What say you, do you have a germ phobia?  

Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!
