
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Archive for the ‘Winter Wonderland in West Chester’ Category

Before and After The Storm

Hello Friends and Happy Tuesday

Here we are 7 days out from last week’s snow and ice storm yet the damages are still very much evident.  This storm caused major headaches and heartaches for many Pennsylvanians due to the loss of power, initially affecting more than 500K people.  Wawa on 202 North almost ran out of coffee and did run out of bagels Wednesday morning.

The day started out cold and dry but  it didn’t take long for that to change. Thankfully, in Delaware we didn’t get the brunt of the storm but we all know there’s another one not too far behind.  Oops just heard the forecast, they are calling for 6-8 inches of snow beginning Wednesday night – Old Man Winter is not giving up without a fight!


before the storm


Vest | Old Navy // Skirt | GW Boutique

Before the Storm

 In this bright neon vest, I would never get lost in a snowstorm!


Morning BEFORE the storm

Morning BEFORE the storm

 It was a bright, crisp morning in Delaware


The morning before the storm


After the snow it was beautiful….but

February 2014 091

Winter Wonderland in West Chester, PA


Winter Wonderland in West Chester, PA


…then came the rain, and unfortunately the trees couldn’t handle the weight of the ice and that’s when the damage began.

Deadly winter wonderland

Power lines were downed causing many in Chester County to lose power for almost a week and some are still without!

ice laden trees


See the other pics in this gallery



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Have you been severely affected by these latest storms?

Stay Blessed – No Stress in 2014!
