Posts Tagged ‘books’
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
Today is “Black Friday”, and in the United States it’s the day after Thanksgiving, noted as the first day of Christmas shopping. Crowds of consumers are drawn to special offers by retailers and some people even lose their minds!
Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your point of view this year some retailers began their Black Friday sales Thursday night!
Die hard Black Friday shoppers are those who after Thanksgiving dinner will leave the warmth of their homes and drive to stores to camp out overnight for the latest, lowest priced gadget.
Are you a Black Friday Shopper? If so, more power to ya just don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes, carry snacks and a bottle of water in a small purse and check out this 2013 Black Friday Shopping Guide.
Have Fun and Be Safe!
I don’t like shopping in the holiday madness and prefer to stay local which is why I like places like the Dutch Country Farmers Market in Middletown. My sons are older so there’s no need to wait until Christmas to buy them gifts, those days of hunting for Tickle Me Elmo, Furby or Star Wars memorabilia is long behind me. I can now enjoy leisurely shopping and watch others stress – lol!
Here’s a look inside our local Farmers’s Market
Tomorrow is Shop Small Business Saturday so come back to see which Middletown Shops I’ve featured.
Happy Black Friday – Smooches
The Java House Café in Middletown recently hosted two books signings for local authors. The first one was on Saturday with Richelle N. Rodgers, author of Forever Growing A Journey of Trust. This autobiography gives you insight into her life which is filled with joy and sadness as well as near death experiences by both she and her husband, but her strong faith and trust in God has given her more than the world has taken.
Richelle is Philadelphia native presently residing in Elkton, Maryland with her husband of 38 years and is a grandmother of triplets. Her passion for empowering others to be the best they can be in their relationship with God is prevalent throughout the book. As a Franchise Consultant in both the Museum and Insurance industries as well as an Independent Contractor for CCI, she has had the opportunity to travel outside of the United States including trips to Bosnia and Italy. Richelle is currently a Lay Prayer Associate and an Eucharistic Minister and Lector at her church.
Richelle has dedicated her life in helping others and as a Vietnam Vet is currently working on a Women Veteran Leadership Awards Symposium to be held in DC this fall.
It took 3 years of prayer and the encouragement from family and friends for this book to become the first in what I believe will be a successful career of an Inspirational author.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” – Proverbs 3:5
Richelle and Small Business Owner Leon Brown
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Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
I am so excited because tomorrow is the first Flea Market of the season at Dutch Country Farmers Market in Middletown and I will be there bright and early! I love getting rid of unused household items and making extra cash while doing it. Yard Sales are also great ways to accomplish this but there is more foot traffic at Farmers’ Market and I look forward to seeing AND buying from the other vendors. This season in addition to the household items, books and of course shoes, I will also be selling wholesale costume jewelry and am anxious to see how it goes. I purchased necklaces, bracelets and rings from a wholesale dealer in anticipation of making a good profit – I hope it pans out – wish me luck!
Today is casual Friday so I’m wearing jeans, PINK jeans…I didn’t want it to be too much so decided to wear a long Tunic over them, what do you think?
Do you like Flea Markets and Yard Sales?
Tunic – East // Liz Claiborne Jeans – JC Penney // Attention Shoes – Kmart
Linking up today with Friday Chaos – join in and meet a new blogger
Have a fantabulous weekend – Smooches!