Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’
Monday’s blog posts will be recaps of Sunday’s Podcasts, which if you haven’t started following yet, can be found on Blog Talk Radio. Social Media Sunday with the Delaware Blogger – AAU Teen Talk Radio is on every Sunday at 6 p.m.
On October 2nd, my special guest was Nikki Valentine and we talked about the re-launching of her business N.V.Me Designs, click this link to hear the interview.
If you are a small business owner who is just starting out and are looking for ways in which to get customers inside your doors if you are brick and mortar or go online to buy a product or service, you do realize that you must have a presence on social media right?
Current and potential customers are literally walking around with your business in their hands. A few weeks ago, I attended a networking event at the Chase Center on the Riverfront, and everyone there had at least one social media platform in which to connect, most if not all had a Facebook business account which is what we talked about on the Podcast.
Social Media is a numbers game, however, it’s not how many you get, but how many you keep and how many of them take action.
Facebook now has 4 million advertisers and it’s being powered by more small businesses trying to reach customers, particularly on their mobile devices.
People are spending more time on their phones, more engagement on their phones, doing more things on their phones, because phones can do more. I remember the brick my hubby gave me as an engagement gift, it weighed about 10 lbs and it was attached to the car, then came the bag phone but all it could do was make and receive calls.
Now mobile phones can do practically anything, conduct searches, give map directions, promote sales, take pictures and record live video. Businesses are beginning to understand that they need to be where people are, and that’s on their mobile device.
Setting up a Facebook Business Page is easy but you must have a personal page first, and there are many sites with instructions , I also have a Slideshare presentation that you can download. Leave a comment below if you would like me to email you a copy
Facebook is where you can virtually hang out with your family and friends but more importantly with your customers and/or potential clients and customers. Facebook is for entertainment so remember the 80/20 rule and don’t post “buy me” posts constantly.
Share content from others in the same niche or industry and remember that what you share is perceived to be what you believe so be very careful when posting because using a “like or share is not an endorsement” disclaimer doesn’t hold water – just don’t post it.
Top 10 Benefits of a Facebook Business Page
Everyone is on Facebook – need I say more?
Increased Exposure to Potential Customers – everyone is on Facebook right?
Gather More Leads – gather leads in the form of email addresses — so you can contact them outside of Facebook. Promotion of contests, giveaways through newsletters
Facebook business page costs you exactly $0. – but you don’t own it so start a blog!
Insights and analytics – you can see where your audience is coming from (likes, reach, page views, engagement, shares, performance, etc.)
Build Brand Loyalty – if you consistently provide valuable and entertaining content, your followers will stay loyal and share your message, product or service
Increase Your Web Traffic – social media platforms are the wheels that drive the vehicle to your website or blog and eventually to your store or service
Boost SEO – Search Engine Optimization – being found online – Google me
Be Mobile Ready – Facebook is already built to be mobile friendly, so take advantage of it. Facebook page on a mobile device it shows users:
Hours of operation – Address – Reviews – Phone number to call directly from the Facebook mobile app
Check in on Your Competition! – Facebook makes suggestions based on competition in my area in my same (or a similar) niche. Choose pages by clicking “Watch Page” or search for pages in the search box.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again, Twitter is by far my favorite social media platform. Why – well for one, it’s quick, it’s happening right now in real time and I love hashtags.
I liken FB to the friends you had in high school and Twitter are the friends you wish you had in high school. It’s where the cool kids hang out and if you ever been retweeted, liked or followed by a celeb then you know how exciting that can be!
Hashtags are the best thing since slice bread!
Tweet that!
Twitter will display all other tweets with that hashtag – great way to search or find potential customers or topics to follow and share – great way to get your message and content out there.
“I don’t get Twitter” is a common statement among small business owners. With more than 316 million active monthly users engaging in instant conversations, the social platform shouldn’t be ignored. The main difference of Facebook and Twitter is on Twitter, following someone is not necessarily an admission of friendship, but an interaction and conversation in 140 characters or less.
If you already have a personal Twitter account and have been using it for your business, you may want to create a separate business account so that any personal information is not passed onto your business followers. – But remember that your brand is your brand not matter where it’s coming from.
Be as visible as possible, put on your Twitter handle on business cards, email address, flyers, etc. Tweet only business info and not personal tweets on your business account.
Twitter is a great way to connect with your targeted audience and for your targeted audience to connect with you in real time – for example, two weeks ago I had to rebook a flight on a non-refundable ticket with Delta airlines and the customer service representative was amazing! After I handled my business, I immediately posted my satisfaction to Delta Airlines and they immediately responded.

Now small business owners don’t have the luxury of being online constantly like the bigger brands, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t check in first thing in the morning or right before going to bed in the evening to see if your brand or business was mentioned.
Speaking of which you can open an account at where you will enter the name of your business and then be alerted anytime someone mentions it it’s a social media monitoring and listening app that keeps you in the know.
Twitter is great for PR and networking, especially for event coverage and promotion. Using a hashtag for an event and then getting attendees to tweet about using the hashtag gives you wider exposure.
Although you can’t own a hashtag you can register it for the event so that people can follow along at And if your hashtag is unique and you use it enough it becomes part of you and your business brand, i.e. #DelawareBlogger if you Google that you will find me all over the internet.
Businesses should have a Twitter account for several reasons:
Consumers are frustrated with call centers – Oftentimes, individuals will go on Twitter after they’ve already sought a solution by calling the company’s helpline.
Instant gratification – Twitter allows customers to feel more in control of the timeliness of the solution. They can immediately go online, research a solution to try helping themselves or vent their problem in real-time, asking for help, whether from the brand or other customers.
Airing dissatisfaction publicly is part of a solution – Some people just want to be heard, good, bad and ugly, and sharing on Twitter gives them gratification. Some people like to tweet, tweet, tweet like a duck at 3 o’clock in the morning!
Hashtags allow you to Search for Terms Related to Your Biz – finding customers where they hang out and with whom – always check the followers of your followers and follow them if they are relevant.
1. Follow industry leaders.
First, find your industry leaders on Twitter and follow them, all of them. These people are vital to building the right follower base.
2. Follow authors who write about your industry.
You probably have a few favorite industry experts whose books you’ve read. Follow them on Twitter, but also follow all of the industry experts who’ve written books in your field. If you don’t know who these authors are, go to Amazon and search out books in your industry. Find the author’s names and follow them on Twitter.
3. Follow other authors.
Who writes the articles in the magazines and trade publications on your industry? Find out who these people are and follow them on Twitter. When I became active on Twitter, I followed every author I could find who wrote about entrepreneurship. While not everyone has a Twitter account, I found that 9 out of 10 authors and writers do.
4. Know your target audience.
Like you need to know your customers, you need to know your audience. You can have 1,000 followers who will never turn into customers, or you can have 100 quality followers who will either convert to customers, refer customers, or add value by sharing quality, relevant content. It’s important that your Twitter followers have something to gain by following you and vice versa.
5. Follow your industry hashtags.
Twitter has this great tool where you type in a hashtag in the search bar, such as #smallbusiness, and instantly a feed pops up with relevant posts and articles. It’s important that you monitor your industry hashtags so you stay current on industry trends and technology. You also use these hashtags when you Retweet and share posts. When you use the appropriate hashtag, you ensure that your post is “seen” by your target audience. Go on Twitter and play with the hashtags in your industry until you know which ones apply to your business.
6. Share quality content.
Twitter is all about adding VALUE; it’s not the place to oversell products and services. Read articles about your industry trends and share them on Twitter daily. Not only will you be learning, you’ll provide value to your target audience.
7. Tweet about industry events.
Stay on top of industry events and Tweet about them, whether it’s a local tradeshow or a national convention. In your Tweet, include the event’s hashtags and a link to the website so people can click on the link themselves.
8. Be engaging.
Twitter is not a spectator sport. Actively participate, comment and like others’ posts and Retweet (share) them daily. Twitter is all about building relationships and ADDING VALUE. One great way to add value is to write and share informative blogs, and of course, include your industry hashtags when posting so your audience will be able to find and read your content.
9. Post daily and repeat.
For your small business to succeed on Twitter, you have to post daily. Post at least 3 to 5 Tweets per day with several Retweets, which is similar to the “sharing” feature on Facebook. If your followers see that you haven’t been active in a month, they’re likely to “unfollow” you. Use images as they get retweeted far more than just text
10. Don’t go off topic.
Your Twitter page should be relevant to your business, it should not discuss anything controversial, such as politics, and it should not go off topic. Keep the posts relevant to your niche market.
Most importantly – Engage the Influencers in Your Niche – as you know, bloggers are on Twitter and we love to retweet and share – sharing is caring and we are also looking to connect with businesses for collaborations and brand ambassadorships. We retweet each other’s posts and would do the same with yours so connect with us on Twitter.
I have a chart that I found online that is a great reference tool which I will send to anyone who may be interested in receiving. It lists all the popular social media platforms as well as the audience and demographics who uses them – a handy little cheat sheet so if you would like a copy, please leave a comment and I’ll send it in an email.
Do you have any Facebook or Twitter tips to share? Don’t forget to check out my Podcasts which are on Sunday at 6 on Blog Talk Radio, AAU Teen Talk Radio.
Have you seen the posts on Facebook about this new social media networking site called “Ello“? It’s supposed to be anti-Facebook which is an
oxymoron since most of the invites are from Facebook users.
Anti-Facebook – why, because they don’t sell ads and they don’t sell your information…at least not yet which if I am not mistaken is how Facebook started.
Anywho, I applied weeks ago and still haven’t received an invitation, which reminds me of the early days of Pinterest. I also applied for an account and never received an invite, then one day poof, it was opened up to the world. Now if a blog post doesn’t have a pinnable pic it won’t get read. WHO KNEW?
It’s not like I need another social media networking site to join, after all, I am still trying to naviagate (click here for an invitation).
However, as an instructor of Social Media for Small Businesses, it would help if I knew something about Ello, so please somebody invite me before my next training session – thank you very much!

Hello friends and welcome to Money Monday.
If you are off from work today due to the Columbus Day holiday, you’ll probably be hitting the stores in search of some great bargains. In case one of those stores is Target make sure to load up your Cartwheel before loading up your cart.
If you don’t know about Cartwheel, you can read more about it here, then download the free mobile app because it will help you to save even more money on your in-store purchases at Target.
Cartwheel is an app on your Smartphone where you can select offers after signing into your Facebook account then going to the Cartwheel website via their Facebook page. (select “visit website”) or just sign in with your own Facebook account directly on the Cartwheel website.
Tap to add the discounts that you’ll be using, then show your phone with the SCANShow barcode to the cashier at checkout. The great thing about using Cartwheel is that there are discounts in each department from clothing to groceries and there’s no need to cut coupons or wait days to get a gift card refund. You can use Cartwheel and stack it with other coupons, sales as well as your debit or credit REDcard for even more savings. Try it – you’ll Like it!
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!

Hello friends…you know what day it is…it’s Hump Day but it’s also “You Choose The Shoes” day!
Last week’s contenders were definitely not in a tight race but the comments for both were coming in fast and furious, however, you know there can only be one winner so congratulations to everyone who voted for….
I’m expecting this week’s contender’s to be a bit of a challenge only because they both look good with the outfit and are both equally comfortable. So let’s take a look, shall we:
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you saw this outfit already but so you know the skirt is from JC Penney and that the top was thrifted from Goodwill. The iPad case and watch believe it or not were purchased from Avon and if you haven’t checked out a catalog lately click here.
The first pair of shoes are xhiliration via Target and were purchased several years ago. I wear them at least 4 times during the summer months because I love the mustard color and they are very comfortable. The second pair were purchased online at, and were part of a major shoe haul where I ordered more than 5 pairs on the same day (here).
I love the pops of neon colors which was also very popular in the mid to late 80’s.
Okay, it’s time to choose the shoes, will it be the mustard yellow xhiliration wedges from Target
the peach sandals from
I can tell this is going to be another tough decision which is why I like having you in my closet!
You choose the shoes, then leave me a comment as to why you chose them. In the meantime I’ll be heading over to see the ladies at the Personal Style Linkup, then I’ll be back to respond to your comments.
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!

Hello friends, I hope all is well in your world. Now that the heat of the summer is on, the heat of the oven is now off! That however, does not mean that there will be no more cooking or baking in the Blake household. Nope, it just means that the outdoor grill will be used more often and if the desserts don’t come from the freezer they will definitely be no-bake options.
So just in time for the weekend and in celebration of Father’s Day, this is today’s Foodie Feature
No-Bake Mini Strawberry Cheesecakes made with Reddi-Wip.
I used a box of Jello No Bake Cheesecake mix, fresh strawberries and Reddi Wip to create this easy breezy satisfying no bake dessert.
Following the directions on the box I mixed the Graham Cracker crust with butter and sugar, then using a spoon pressed a little of the mixture into the bottoms of 12 muffin cups.
In a bowl, I poured in 1 1/2 cups of milk then added the filling mix, whipped on low for a minute and then on medium speed for another few minutes until thickened.
Topped each Graham Cracker Crust cups with filling and refrigerated uncovered for an hour
Washed, cored and sliced several strawberries to top each mini cheesecake but not before first topping them with some whooshes of Extra Creamy Reddi Wip. I love the sound it makes coming out of the can and love even more the fact that there are only 15 calories per serving, so I added 2 servings of real cream to each!
What do you think, this was easy right? Do you have a Berry Joyful moment with Reddi-wip and berries that you can share for a chance to WIN a trip to the California Strawberry festival, or weekly prizes!
Now through July 7, 2014, you can share your everyday Reddi-wip berry-licious moments on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook using the #BerryJoyfulSweeps hashtag for the chance to win a trip for two to the 2015 Watsonville Strawberry Festival, Reddi-wip coupons or berry keeper produce containers.
You can enter the #BerryJoyfulSweeps sweepstakes through a tab located on the Reddi-wip Facebook page, found at – Good Luck!
Disclosure: I am participating in a Vibrant Influencer network campaign for Reddi-wip. I am receiving a fee for posting; however, the opinions expressed in this post are my own. I am in no way affiliated with Reddi-wip and do not earn a commission or percent of sales.
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
The countdown is on, there are only two more weekends until the Memorial Day holiday which is the unofficial start to summer!!!! Next week my “baby” graduates from High School and if you read yesterday’s post or follow me on FB/Twitter/Google+/Instagram or Pinterest you would have seen a picture of him holding his acceptance letter to Bowie State University – if not, here it is
BTW, I won’t be able to participate in next weekend’s party so please link up from one of the other host’s blogs.
His father and I are so over-the-top excited for him, yet I can feel the separation anxiety creeping into my soul and my heart is beginning to hurt. Parents of college students understand exactly how I’m feeling…please pray for me!
Let’s Get This Party Started with this week’s Featured Bloggers

Satisfaction Through Christ

Keeping Christmas Spirit Live 365

Sprouts House

Belle of the Kitchen

View from the Fridge

Making it in the mountains
Please feel free to copy and paste this button onto your blog and check our Pinterest Page as you are also being featured there.
The rules remain the same and we ask that you visit as least 3 other blogs and follow your hosts via one of our Social Media Networks
This Simple Home
De Divah Deals
Snippets of Inspiration
A Living Sacrifice
Mustard Seed Mommy
Moms Who Save
Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you soon!
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
If you are the parent of a high school student who will be attending the prom this year, you’ve probably heard about “Promposals“. If not, let me explain, a promposal is when a guy, or girl asks someone to the prom but in a unique way using a sign, clothing, a prop or a photo.
These teenagers can get really creative with songs and videos and there are even promposal pics on Instagram and Tumblr as well as Twitter, Facebook and of course YouTube, just Google it using the hashtag #promposal.
A few weeks ago when I first heard about this, I rushed home to ask my son, but I was too late as he had already promposed to his date. (and no, that wasn’t a bottle of alcohol).

Promposal @ AppoHigh
I think they are cute as long as the teens don’t go overboard or take them too seriously like a marriage proposal. Over the top promposals are not necessary and may cause stress to others who may not want to or can’t do them.
Senior Proms are a special once-in-a-lifetime event but they are also costly, so there’s no real need to add additional expenses into the mix.
What do you think?
Don’t forget to come back at 6:00 p.m. for the Weekend Wind-Down Party!
Stay Blessed – No Stress in 2014!

Prompose with a t-shirt from Vistaprint
If they want to prompose with a T-Shirt, save money and order from Vistaprint . New customers receive FREE Shipping, March 26-April 1 only.
Coupon Code: MYSHIRT
Hello Friends and Happy Hump Day Wednesday
Last Friday night at The Sheraton South in Wilmington, Goodwillde presented it’s 4th annual Runway Show and Boutique. Prior to the event, the lobby was filled with food, friendly faces and fantastic finds in the 2nd Hand Chic Boutique.

Lobby of Sheraton Hotel
The Second-hand Chic Boutique had fabulous clothing, shoes and accessories for less, and many items for men, women and children. These one of a kind, name brand items were hand-picked by Goodwill store managers and Runway stylists. A few of the brands included Ann Taylor Loft, Coach, and Marc Jacobs.
There was clothing, jewelry and accessories galore.
Attendees who posted to Facebook or tweeted @Goodwillde were eligible to win two VIP tickets to next year’s Runway Show.
After hair, makeup and a light lunch we were all ready to present a fantastic Runway Show.
Here are just a few of the highlights during the hair and make up sessions provided by students from Paul Mitchell The School of Delaware.
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Frolicking, fun and photo bombing behind the scenes made for a super charged and highly energized Runway Show!
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Audience participation and sponsorship by Bridget A. Erhard, CFP, Growth Inc., Wilmington University and WSTW made for a wonderful Runway Show with proceeds benefiting education scholarships for Goodwill employees.
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This was my first year as a Stylist for the Goodwillde Runway Show and it was an exciting and amazing event for which I was very proud to be a part of!
Thank you all for supporting Goodwill!
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Additional photos can be found at the Goodwillde website and tomorrow on Whitney Nic James’ Blog
Be Blessed – No Stress in 2014!
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. 
Hello Friends and Happy Tuesday!
I love all jewelry especially necklace and earring sets because they can really jazz up an outfit. You can put on a colorful statement necklace with a t-shirt, a sweatshirt or even dark clothing and the whole outfit appears brighter and a little bit dressier. The matching earrings takes the guess work out of what pair to wear especially when it’s early and you are rushing to work, as I normally am.
I actually did not plan on wearing a necklace this morning but then remembered this set that I received from Majestical Jewelry to review.
Hopefully we’ve had the last snow storm of the year because the days are getting longer and soon the weather will get warmer. I’m trying to wear as many winter items as possible all while thinking Spring can’t come soon enough.
This lime green scoop neck top is enhanced by the sapphire blue stones in the necklace – what do you think?
Majestical Jewelry is a high fashion, yet affordable online jewelry store that specializes in handmade and statement pieces. With Prom, Wedding and Graduation season just around the corner, it would be a great place to shop for a gift or perhaps a little something for yourself.
Majestical Jewelry offers free gift wrapping and guaranteed free and easy returns and exchanges on every order. Orders over $49.99 are shipped free! Your purchases are carefully shipped in a Majestical Jewelry logo box, cushioned with bubble wrap and cotton batting, and a blue jewelry bag is also included.
Stay Blessed – No Stress in 2014!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for via Sverve for which I will receive compensation, all opinions are 100% my own.
Our son, Malik will be graduating in May and he hadn’t even mentioned the Senior Prom, so last week when I asked if he was going, he just shrugged his shoulders and said, “yes”. I know having a son is much different than having a daughter, because by now she would have been talking non-stop about the Prom, and probably would have already found a dress.
Knowing me, I’d be more excited than she because both my Junior and Senior Prom dresses were handmade and neither were very good. I would want her dress to be much better so that the event would be more memorable. Thankfully, for mothers with Prom-bound daughters there are beautiful and affordable options available online at, carries a large selection of Prom Dresses to fit almost every budget and size, there’s even a custom “Made to Order” option available for many of the styles.
At you’ll find Prom Dresses from sassy to sophisticated in various lengths, styles, and colors to suit many tastes. They also carry a large selection of accessories to complete the perfect Prom outfit.
My son doesn’t have a steady girlfriend so at this point all he needs to worry about is matching his shirt and tie to his date’s dress color.
She on the other hand will have an opportunity to chose any color either to match the High School’s theme or if they are going as a group to find one that is different from the others.
Malik and his date from her Junior Prom
If you have a daughter attending the prom this year, I urge you to check out for a custom or tailor-made Prom dress. I hope you’ll find a great dress and then come back and share some pictures.
Get updates, discounts, and special offers to win free items and cash prizes when you sign up for the Newsletter, and don’t forget to like them on Facebook and follow on Twitter.