Posts Tagged ‘Pinterest’
Have you seen the posts on Facebook about this new social media networking site called “Ello“? It’s supposed to be anti-Facebook which is an
oxymoron since most of the invites are from Facebook users.
Anti-Facebook – why, because they don’t sell ads and they don’t sell your information…at least not yet which if I am not mistaken is how Facebook started.
Anywho, I applied weeks ago and still haven’t received an invitation, which reminds me of the early days of Pinterest. I also applied for an account and never received an invite, then one day poof, it was opened up to the world. Now if a blog post doesn’t have a pinnable pic it won’t get read. WHO KNEW?
It’s not like I need another social media networking site to join, after all, I am still trying to naviagate (click here for an invitation).
However, as an instructor of Social Media for Small Businesses, it would help if I knew something about Ello, so please somebody invite me before my next training session – thank you very much!
Happy Fri-Yay!
Welcome to the Weekend Wind-Down Link Party!
Check our Pinterest Page as they are also featured there.
De Divah Deals
Snippets of Inspiration
A Living Sacrifice
Mustard Seed Mommy
Moms Who Save
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
Last week’s graduation, the party afterwards and Memorial Day weekend was truly wonderful yet exhausting, therefore, I think I will be sleeping in late tomorrow! Click here to see yesterday’s Thankful Thursday post which is a recap of the weekend.
I am glad to be back because I truly missed you guys and last week’s #WWDParty. It was exciting to see that so many of you had linked up and am looking forward to reading quite a few posts tonight.
Congratulations to our Featured Bloggers ~ Thank You For Your contributions!
Life in our Nomad
The Inspired Wren
Overstuffed Life
Raia’s Recipes
Mimi, Mommy and Me
Sondra Lyn at Home
Make sure to check out our Pinterest Page as you are also being featured there. Feel free to copy and paste this button onto your own blog because we appreciate you!
We hope that after linking up your own post(s) that you will take the time to visit and comment on 3 others. Please follow your hosts on at least one of our social media websites and remember sharing is caring!
This Simple Home
De Divah Deals
Snippets of Inspiration
A Living Sacrifice
Mustard Seed Mommy
Moms Who Save
Hello Friends and Welcome to the
Weekend Wind-Down Party!
Can you believe that it’s already the first Friday in May? Memorial Day is right around the corner so I know this week’s party is going to feature a lot of fabulous recipes, fashions and DIY’s to kick off the summer season. I’ll be on the lookout for ideas to use at my son’s High School Graduation Party on the 24th!
Oh and speaking of crafts, my Placemats to Purses DIY article was published on the Parade Magazine website, check it out (here) and please leave a comment – I would truly appreciate it!
The party rules have remained the same, please read at least 3 other blog posts and follow your hosts on at least 1 Social Media Network sites.
This Simple Home
De Divah Deals
Snippets of Inspiration
A Living Sacrifice
Mustard Seed Mommy
Moms Who Save
This Week’s Featured Bloggers!
Rais’s Recipes
Best Life Mistake
Carrie This Home
Penny’s Treasures
The Casual Craftlete
Gluten Free Yummy
Please feel free to copy and paste this button onto your blog and follow our Pinterest Page as you are also featured there.
Enjoy the party, have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you soon!
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
I trust you all had a wonderful week and are now gearing up for a fun filled or relaxing weekend. It was definitely a busy week for me and the fam, Malik was on Spring break so he was able to shovel 2 yards of mulch into the backyard, needless to say, he wasn’t happy but it needed to be done. Saturday, I cleaned out the garage and replaced part of the gate around the pool injuring my arm in the process – hubby couldn’t help which made the job a bit more difficult but at least it’s done! Homeowners always remember, “you never own a house, the house owns you!”
Resurrection Sunday after Sunrise Service I came home and took a nap. Later in the day I did a little yard work only to get my first dose of poison oak clearing out the garden, don’t ask me how because it always seems to find me. I read a blog post that stated banana peels are good to stop the itch so I tried it, it worked but only temporary, so if you have a better remedy please share.
If you follow me on Instagram you know that Easter dinner was wonderful, Turkey Ham with pineapples, collard greens, sweet potatoes and a No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake for dessert – yum!
Welcome back to the Weekend Wind-Down Party, I don’t know about you but I am having a great time – so many great posts – thank you!
Congratulations to this week’s Featured Bloggers
Gluten Free Yummy
Natasha in Oz
Mrs Looking Good
LouLou Girls
The Casual Craftlete
Redo It Yourself Inspirations
Please feel free to copy and paste this badge onto your blog and check our Pinterest Page as you are also featured there.
The rules have remained the same, please visit at least 3 other blogs and follow your hosts on at least one Social Media Network.
This Simple Home
De Divah Deals
Snippets of Inspiration
A Living Sacrifice
Mustard Seed Mommy
Moms Who Save
Have fun and have a wonderful weekend!
Hello Friends and Happy Good Fri-Yay!
I trust you all had a wonderful week despite the fact that Tuesday was Tax Day. Unfortunately, we owe money to Uncle Sam so at 7:00 p.m. I was in line at the Post Office mailing in a payment. Oh well, it could be worse so I am not going to complain too loudly about it.
Saturday I went to Home Depot and purchased patio cushions for the deck furniture and a new Pressure Washer, something we desperately needed, stay tuned for an unsolicited product review. Oh and I finally received my “Blogger” license plate – I am super excited and proud to advertise my blog daily across two states.
This weekend the weather won’t be as nice, but we will be outside cleaning out the garage and shoveling mulch…thank goodness it’s not snow!
Now on to this week’s Featured Bloggers
Barbie Bieber and Beyond
Some of the Best Things in Life Are Mistakes
Its Always Ruetten
Redo It Yourself Inspirations
Congratulations to you all, please feel free to copy and paste this button onto your blog. Check out our Pinterest Page as you are also featured there.
Since this is Good Friday I know most of you are off from work and doing other things, but please take a few minutes to visit a few other blogs as well as those of your hosts.
This Simple Home
De Divah Deals
Snippets of Inspiration
A Living Sacrifice
Mustard Seed Mommy
Moms Who Save
Have a blessed weekend!
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
This has truly been an exhausting week and I’m glad that in less than 24 hours it will officially be the weekend!!! Hubby is doing well and should be home from the hospital early next week. In the meantime I am enjoying the little break, I only have to make my side of the bed and the bathroom is all mine – lol!
Welcome to the Weekend Wind-Down Party #12, where food, fun and fashion is shared by some wonderful bloggers and this week’s features are just a few examples.
Congratulations and thank you to this week’s featured bloggers!
Mrs U Makes
Love Pasta and a Tool Belt
Calm Healthy Sexy
TIPical Day
Penny’s Vintage Home
Please feel free to add this button to your Blog and check our Pinterest Page as you will also be featured there.
The rules have remained the same and we ask that you follow each of your hosts on at least one Social Media websites.
I look forward to reading your posts this weekend while visiting hubby in the hospital and watching him sleep!
Have a wonderful weekend, be safe and stay blessed!
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
I don’t know about you, but for some strange reason this week seemed to fly by! Today is the first full day of Spring and hopefully it will stick around just as long as ‘ole Man Winter did!
Welcome to this week’s Weekend Wind-Down Party, I am looking forward to finding some great light recipes to help jump start my “Spring Shedding of the Winter Weight Season” – lol!
Congratulations to this week’s Featured Bloggers, we are truly happy that you are participating and have linked back to us. There were some really awesome recipes, blogging tips, fashions, and spring cleaning challenges.
Please feel free to add this button to your blog and check our Pinterest page as you are also featured there.
April’s Homemaking
My Love for Words
Mums Make Lists
The Casual Craftlete
A TIPical Day
View from The Fridge
The rules remain the same and we ask that you stop by and follow your hosts via one form of social media.
Have fun and have a wonderful weekend!
Disclosure: I received this item free of charge from Midnight Velvet. No monetary compensation was received or offered, all opinions are 100% my own.
Growing up in Dover I remember getting excited every time a Midnight Velvet catalog came in the mail. As soon as one arrived my grandmother and I would snuggle up on the sofa and flip through each page. She loved the large colorful church hats, and I loved the shoes, jewelry and decorative tops. I liked seeing the beautiful clothing the models wore, but always secretly wanted an animal print bedroom set, however, I knew my grandmother would have said, “no”.
I still love looking through the pages of a Midnight Velvet catalog, and now I have an opportunity to review a product from their Spring 2014 catalog. Of course I thought of my grandmother, knowing she would have been excited for me and wished I had chosen one of those big, colorful church hats.
However, for this review, I selected the Monte Carlo Gold Caftan. It arrived in a zebra print box which I’ll definitely re-purpose later. I loved that it was exactly as pictured in the catalog and fit perfectly. The Caftan is two pieces with a machine washable polyester tank underneath. Extra sequins are included for the nylon top which only needs to be spot cleaned.
The Monte Carlo Gold Caftan is perfect for a night out on the town with hubby or perhaps to a special church event which I know my grandmother would have liked.
Midnight Velvet has fresh new Spring confident styles for a beautiful you and your home. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, and Pinterest, and be sure to follow their Beauty Blog for the latest fashions, styles and trends.
I am also excited to announce that they have offered to give one my readers a $50 Midnight Velvet Gift Certificate.
This Rafflecopter giveaway begins today and will end at midnight on March 15, 2014, so hurry up and enter.
Once you take a look at MV’s online catalog, come back and leave a comment as to what item you would purchase if you won the $50 Gift Certificate.
Have a Blessed Day – No stress in the New Year!
Photos were taken at the Hampton Inn in Middletown, DE
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
I hope you had a wonderful week and are now ready to wind-down with us at the #WWDParty #7
Before we begin, let’s get in the mood with a little music,
Pharrell’s Song, “Because I’m Happy!”
Thanks to everyone who stopped by to link up & share
Congratulations to this week’s Featured Bloggers
A TIPicalDay
Annies Home
From This Kitchen
For the Love of Decorating
My Paper Craze
View From The Fridge
True Blue Baking
My Family Meal Time
Please feel free to copy and paste this button onto your blog and check our Pinterest Page as you are also featured there.
The rules are the same and we ask that you stop by and visit at least one other blogger as well as your hosts. Now pour yourself a glass of wine or water and share, share, share – have fun!
Stay Blessed ~ No Stress in 2014!