
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Weekend Wind-Down Party #12

Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!

This has truly been an exhausting week and I’m glad that in less than 24 hours it will officially be the weekend!!!  Hubby is doing well and should be home from the hospital early next week.  In the meantime I am enjoying the little break, I only have to make my side of the bed and the bathroom is all mine – lol!

Welcome to the Weekend Wind-Down Party #12, where food, fun and fashion is shared by some wonderful bloggers and this week’s features are just a few examples.

Weekend Winddown Link Party (1)

Congratulations and thank you to this week’s featured bloggers!

Mrs U Makes

Mrs U Makes


Love Pasta and a Tool Belt

Love Pasta and a Tool Belt


Calm Healthy Sexy

Calm Healthy Sexy

TIPical Day

TIPical Day



Penny's Vintage Home

Penny’s Vintage Home


Please feel free to add this button to your Blog and check our Pinterest Page as you will also be featured there.


The rules have remained the same and we ask that you follow each of your hosts on at least one Social Media websites.


I look forward to reading your posts this weekend while visiting hubby in the hospital and watching him sleep!

Weekend Wind-Down Hosts

Have a wonderful weekend, be safe and stay blessed!

DDD Signature with butterflies and frame




I love reading your comments!

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