Thankful Thursday
Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday
This week there are several things for which I am thankful and of course it begins with my family, friends and faith. I am also thankful that my youngest son is learning a few hard lessons while still at home. Ever since we gave him a car he has tried to add options to jazz it up, some good…others not so much. The latest was a set of rims that he received from a friend that I told him not to put on, did he listen? Nope. Unfortunately, they were too large for his vehicle so he had to pay our mechanic to remove them! #hardhead
Early Monday morning, he slowly followed me to Middletown Car Care to drop it off and then I had to drive him to school. Needless to say, it was early morning and you know I am NOT a morning person!
Skirt and Top | JCPenney // Shoes |The Shoe Dept // Necklace | TraciLynn Jewelry
I was not happy nor was he because he had to take my pictures! Oh well, a small price to pay for the cost of having to have those dang tires taken off his car! #teenagers
I am also thankful that my son understands that even though I nag him, I do it only because I have his best interests at heart. Does your children appreciate your nagging, nope, but are you thankful for the nagging your parents did with you?
You may not be a morning person but you were looking FIERCE, Diva 🙂
As you say, it’s great he’s learning some of these tough lessons while he’s still in the safety net of home! This week I’m thankful for a much-needed half day tomorrow to spend with my oldest son. Have a fantastic Thankful Thursday!
Thank you but I was tired and caffeine-free! I pray for my sons everyday and pray that the foundation hubby and I laid will carry them safely through life. Happy Thankful Thursday.
I’m thankful for so much right now, but I’ll share just one. My daughter bought me a sewing and embroidery machine for my birthday. I’ve been embroidering everything. Here’s my iPad bag that I embroidered to remind me to have faith.
Yes, and you are truly blessed to have such a wonderful daughter and I am truly thankful to have met you. Have a wonderful week.
No they don’t, but they do understand. I explain it to them all the time. My oldest daughter who is autistic said, you really care for me? Yep, I sure do and you will thank me later, I promise.
Yes, at my age I am grateful for my grandmother’s nagging but didn’t see it when I was 17. Your daughter is blessed to have a mom like you. Have a Thankful Thursday.
I love your thankful Thursday posts, and I know that I should be focusing on that. But I love this outfit you have on. It’s beyond fabulous! And those shoes!! Mama Mia you look great and I want those booties. Hope you have a great rest of the week
Well now I am adding that I am thankful for your compliments! I hope you had a terrific Thankful Thursday!
Lol! so this is what I have to put up with when my kids are older, eh?
I’m thankful that I finally cleaned my house tofay! xo
Woohoo – now that’s something to be thankful for and yes, as they get older the more complicated things become. That whole potty training…learning to walk…stuff was a walk in the park!
This may sound silly but … I am so thankful that I experimented and put avocado in my smoothie last week it makes all the difference in the world and I will never make another smoothie without it LOL
Actually, no, it isn’t, thank you for sharing because I love Avocados and have never tried in a smoothie – but will now!
What a great post! My teenage daughter (13) does think she knows it all….until I give her the right answer 🙂 I KNOW you know what I am talking about. Ha! I am thankful this week (and every day) for my family, they really do light up my life.
I know, it’s as if a light bulb appears over their head when we tell them something that makes sense and they finally understands it – lol. Have a wonderful weekend.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
What an inspiring post! You look so beautiful! 🙂
New Outfit Post: Winter Red
Thank you, I really appreciate that. Hope you had a terrific Thankful Thursday and will have a wonderful weekend.