
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Thankful Thursday

Hello Friends and Happy Thankful Thursday

This week there are several things for which I am thankful and of course it begins with my family, friends and faith.  I am also thankful that my youngest son is learning a few hard lessons while still at home.  Ever since we gave him a car he has tried to add options to jazz it up, some good…others not so much.  The latest was a set of rims that he received from a friend that I told him not to put on, did he listen? Nope.  Unfortunately, they were too large for his vehicle so he had to pay our mechanic to remove them! #hardhead

Early Monday morning, he slowly followed  me to Middletown Car Care to drop it off and then I had to drive him to school.  Needless to say, it was early morning and you know I am NOT a morning person!

Monday Morning at the Mechanic
































Skirt and Top | JCPenney // Shoes |The Shoe Dept // Necklace | TraciLynn Jewelry

I was not happy nor was he because he had to take my pictures!  Oh well, a small price to pay for the cost of having to have those dang tires taken off his car!  #teenagers

Monday at the Mechanic
































I am also thankful that my son understands that even though I nag him, I do it only because I have his best interests at heart.  Does your children appreciate your nagging, nope, but are you thankful for the nagging your parents did with you?


Monday at the Mechanic
































Okay, it’s your turn, what are you thankful for this week?

Stay Blessed – No Stress in the New Year!



  • Michelle D. Johnson Garrett says:

    You may not be a morning person but you were looking FIERCE, Diva 🙂
    As you say, it’s great he’s learning some of these tough lessons while he’s still in the safety net of home! This week I’m thankful for a much-needed half day tomorrow to spend with my oldest son. Have a fantastic Thankful Thursday!

  • Lynette Harbison Oliver says:

    I’m thankful for so much right now, but I’ll share just one. My daughter bought me a sewing and embroidery machine for my birthday. I’ve been embroidering everything. Here’s my iPad bag that I embroidered to remind me to have faith.

  • Whitney says:

    No they don’t, but they do understand. I explain it to them all the time. My oldest daughter who is autistic said, you really care for me? Yep, I sure do and you will thank me later, I promise.

  • Me And My Mini Me says:

    I love your thankful Thursday posts, and I know that I should be focusing on that. But I love this outfit you have on. It’s beyond fabulous! And those shoes!! Mama Mia you look great and I want those booties. Hope you have a great rest of the week

  • FreeUrCloset says:

    Lol! so this is what I have to put up with when my kids are older, eh?
    I’m thankful that I finally cleaned my house tofay! xo

    • DeDivahDeals says:

      Woohoo – now that’s something to be thankful for and yes, as they get older the more complicated things become. That whole potty training…learning to walk…stuff was a walk in the park!

  • Kirsten says:

    This may sound silly but … I am so thankful that I experimented and put avocado in my smoothie last week it makes all the difference in the world and I will never make another smoothie without it LOL

  • Jen West says:

    What a great post! My teenage daughter (13) does think she knows it all….until I give her the right answer 🙂 I KNOW you know what I am talking about. Ha! I am thankful this week (and every day) for my family, they really do light up my life.

  • What an inspiring post! You look so beautiful! 🙂

    New Outfit Post: Winter Red

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