Lily is a name that has many varieties;
Imperials, Orientals, Easter, Calla, and Day.
Large flowers on tall stalks appear;
Yellow, white, orange, and red.
Fashion and Fun after Fifty
Lily is a name that has many varieties;
Imperials, Orientals, Easter, Calla, and Day.
Large flowers on tall stalks appear;
Yellow, white, orange, and red.
I love this color lily. So beautiful. With all the rain we’ve had here in Delaware, everything in our garden is blooming and growing like crazy.
Yes, it caught my attention as I was coming into the house – so vibrant. God’s gifts are amazing!!
They are lovely flowers.
Looks like the Asiatic lilies that were by my front door also! All the rain we had knocked off the flowers though.
Yes, unfortunately they don’t last long, glad I captured their beauty before the rain knocked off their blooms!
These are so gorgeous!
Thank you – isn’t nature wonderful!