
Fashion and Fun after Fifty


It’s finally Friday and the heat is on!

I am so ready for the weekend and tomorrow’s plans include clearing out my little garden because the mint has taken over! I want to add some basil, peppers and tomatos and get a few flowering baskets to hang around the deck.

It’s time to fire up the grill and spend evenings sitting outside, I love this time of the year!

What are your plans for the weekend?

OOTD 5 17 010

OOTD 5 17 004 Casual Friday Attire

OOTD 5 17 011 Summer heat calls for sleeveless tops – Walmart

OOTD 5 17 015 Rampage Sandals – Rugged Wearhouse

OOTD 5 17 013 Linking up today with Katherine’s Corner – come over join in on the fun

Have a fantabulos weeekend – Smooches

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