Posts Tagged ‘Liz Clairborne’
On Friday I had the pleasure of spending the day with my girlfriend, her mother and her daughter, 3 generations on a mission to thrift 2 outfits for less than $10.00 each from The Salvation Army Family Store. Driving north in the drizzling rain to Wilmington in anticipation of thrifting was a great way to start my vacation day.

The layout of The Salvation Army Family Store made it easy to maneuver the shopping carts throughout the floor and in between the racks, making it easier to locate bargains. We started at the front racks, filled with skirts, blazers, pants and tops organized by color and then worked our way back to the dresses, finding both casual and dressier attire.

The price points for clothing at The Salvation Army Family Store is higher than that of Goodwill but there are still bargains to be had. I found a pair of new, white Liz Claiborne jeans for $4.99, a perfect wardrobe addition for the summer! The “color of the day” was pink, which meant 50% off all clothing and shoes with a pink tag, and we each found at least one pink tag item.

The shoe racks were filled with a variety including Anne Klein, Steve Madden and Nine West pumps, Merrell Ortholite, Skechers and Enzo Angioline sandals, which I purchased, a little pricey at $14.99, but still a bargain because they can originally sell for $59.00.

Thrifting with the 3 generations of ladies at The Salvation Army Family Store was enjoyable as well as satisfying knowing that our purchases would be helping the Adult Rehabilitation Program. The Salvation Army’s mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it was refreshing to hear the overhead announcement, “Welcome to The Salvation Army Family Store…Have a Blessed Day”
Clothing is not all you’ll find!

3 Generations Saving at The Salvation Army
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Hello Friends and Happy Fri-Yay!
I am so excited because tomorrow is the first Flea Market of the season at Dutch Country Farmers Market in Middletown and I will be there bright and early! I love getting rid of unused household items and making extra cash while doing it. Yard Sales are also great ways to accomplish this but there is more foot traffic at Farmers’ Market and I look forward to seeing AND buying from the other vendors. This season in addition to the household items, books and of course shoes, I will also be selling wholesale costume jewelry and am anxious to see how it goes. I purchased necklaces, bracelets and rings from a wholesale dealer in anticipation of making a good profit – I hope it pans out – wish me luck!
Today is casual Friday so I’m wearing jeans, PINK jeans…I didn’t want it to be too much so decided to wear a long Tunic over them, what do you think?
Do you like Flea Markets and Yard Sales?
Tunic – East // Liz Claiborne Jeans – JC Penney // Attention Shoes – Kmart
Linking up today with Friday Chaos – join in and meet a new blogger
Have a fantabulous weekend – Smooches!
After leaving Smyrna, we drove further south to the Goodwill store in Dover. I stopped first at the cemetary to lay flowers for my sister, uncle and grandmother. I was a bit apprehensive when first approaching Goodwill as I hadn’t set foot in that store since 1992, when I picked up my sister’s last pay check. We didn’t stay long and I only purchased a few items but this store does have a lot of new items from the local mall and grocery stores in the area.

Goodwill - Dover, Delaware

New white belt with tags - $1.00

Cropped Denim Jacket - $6.00
White Liz Clairborne pants - $3.75

Black and White Polka Dot Shirt from GW in Smyrna - $3.75

Resting In Heaven
Gloria Cross, Jr. - 4/10/63 - 9/14/92
Ernest Midget - 7/17/42-9/14/92
Nina Midget - 4/2/11-5/1/09