
Fashion and Fun after Fifty

From Purses to Portfolios 2013 Celebration

On Saturday, the Delaware Financial Literacy Institute, held it’s annual From Purses to Portfolios Celebration at the Chase Center on the Riverfront.

From Purses to Portfolios

This event was held to honor the 2013 Award Recipients, those who had achieved various levels (hours) by participating in Money School Classes, Money Clubs, Special Events and Volunteering. Women achieving various levels ranging from 1-15 hours and up to 250 hours were being recognized, the highest achievement being the Ambassador of Financial Education ~ 250 hours.

The recipient of this award was Elizabeth “Penny” Church for her “Penny’s 2 Dollars Money Club” and she also received the Sandra A. Varano Golden Purse Award. Purses to Portfolios 063

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The other categories of recognition were: Money School Advocate Awards; Executive Director’s Awards and Outstanding Volunteer Awards of which I was also a recipient due to the volunteer hours of instruction for the Blogging 101 and Blogging for Your Small Business classes.

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The From Purses to Portfolios Celebration was held in a beautifully decorated ballroom, and on each table there was a vibrant Autumn Mum and a small Gift Bag on each seat. Inside the Gift Bags was a pink FAB pen, Note Cards, “friends don’t let friends drown in debt” magnet, a donation envelop, a card advertising “Money Letters” and a retractable measuring tape from Citi, who was the major sponsor.

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Chasing the Dream Exhibitors were set up around the ballroom selling products and attendees walked about chatting and networking. In an adjoining room there was a breakfast buffet, warming trays filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and fried potatoes. As well as tables of yogurt, pastries, bagels, fruit, coffee, tea and juice.

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From Purses to Portfolios Ronni Cohen, Executive Director opened the program with a warm welcome and explained the levels of achievement and how they are gained through the Money School of Delaware. From Purses to Portfolios Alisha Adams, a Money School instructor gave a beautiful blessing and Quadia Muhmmad, Program Director introduced the Keynote Speaker, Jackie Cummings Koski. Purses to Portfolios 041

Jackie Cummings Koski, is the Award Winning Author of Money, Letters 2 My Daughter. As one of 6 children raised by a single dad, where money was always short, finances were taboo to talk about and bad money decisions were made, she knew that she wanted her daughter to make better financial decisions in her life.

From Purses to Portfolios

She was determined to teach her daughter Amber, financial literacy but in a fun and easy way, one that would appeal to her teenage mind. Jackie began to write letters and those letters turned into a best selling book, one that was sent to and acknowledged by the President and First Lady Obama. Money, Letters 2 My Daughter is available in book stores as well as a downloadable ebook.


Jackie ended her presentation with a Group Activity in which she asked us to answer 1 of 4 questions on a “My Money Letter” form. Those willing to reveal their answer on stage were each given a $2 bill which has been significant in Jackie’s life long savings plan.

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Purses to Portfolios

Ronni returned to the podium to present the 2013 Awards and Door Prizes which included Gift Cards, a WaWa Gift Basket and Books. One of the winners was a man, but in keeping with the FAB motto of “FOR Women ~ ABOUT Women ~ BY Women AND the men in their lives” is was okay!

A game of “What’s in your Purse” was then hosted by Quadia with the winner of having the most items on her list in their purse receiving the table’s Mum.

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Purses to Portfolios

The event concluded with a book signing by Jackie and more sales by the Chasing the Dream Exhibitors. It was a great day and another wonderful FREE event sponsored by The Delaware Financial Literacy Institute – The Money School of DE.

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The 10th Annual From Purses to Portfolios Event will be held next year on October 25th 2014 – so mark your calendars. Purses to Portfolios

Purses to Portfolios




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